Sunday 11 August 2013

First Post: Blogging about blogging.


My name is Lloyd Simmons, I'm starting this blog for a couple of reasons. But I guess to understand my reasons you need to know a little bit about me first. About a month ago, I finished my university studies and graduated from Monash with degrees in Marketing and Literature. Now I'm on the hunt for that dream job. Unfortunately, it turns out dream jobs aren't as easy to pin down as I assumed they would be. So, on the advice of some of my friends, I have decided to get to get proactive and begin developing a bit of an online presence promoting the Lloyd Simmons brand.

That's where this blog comes in. I will be using it in conjunction with other social media applications (Twitter and Linkedin mostly), as both a test subject for developing industry relevant skills and as a virtual resume documenting my efforts in gaining employment. Hopefully the act of writing of this blog itself will at least serve to keep my written communication skills sharp. So to summarise, this blog is about one man's quest to break into the elusive realm of responsible adulthood. So feel free to stay awhile and look around, I would love to hear any words of advice if you've got a few gems stowed away.
